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The present legal notice in “General Conditions” regulates the use of the website, whose holder is LANGA INDUSTRIAL, S.A., (henceforth THE OWNER OF THE WEB).

The use of this website confers the status of SITE USER and implies acceptance of all the terms and conditions contained in this Legal Notice, without there being any obligation to pre-advise or inform the users of said obligations, being understood as sufficient with the publication on the website of LANGA INDUSTRIAL, S.A.

We therefore recommend that you carefully read the contents hereof if you wish to access and make use of the information and the services offered on this website.

The SITE USER, is obliged to use the web site correctly in accordance with current legislation, good faith, public order and these Conditions of Use.

The User will be liable to THE OWNER OF THE WEB or against third parties for any damages that may be caused by breach of this obligation.

Any use different to the authorised is specifically forbidden, THE OWNER OF THE WEB reserves the right to limit or deny access to the said information temporarily or permanently.


THE OWNER OF THE WEB, in compliance with Law 34/2002 of July 11 on electronic commerce and information society services, we hereby inform you of the following data:

  • Its company name is: LANGA INDUSTRIAL, S.A.
  • Its tax number is: A78655131
  • Its office is established at: C/ DEHESA DE MARI MARTIN, 31 – 28600 – NAVALCARNERO – MADRID


It is filed as: Langa Industrial S.A. at the Commercial Registry of Madrid.8 Volume 4088, Book 0, Sheet144, Section 8a, Page number M-67974.


To communicate with us, we place at your disposal several means of contact:

  • Tel: 918101030
  • Email:

All the notifications and communications between the users and THE OWNER OF THE WEB shall be deemed effective for all purposes, when conducted in one of the mentioned ways.


The website and its services are free and has open access. However, the use of certain services is only allowed after filling out the sign up form. The user guarantees the authenticity and relevance of all the data provided to THE OWNER OF THE WEB and will be held as the only responsible of the false or inexact signs.

The user commits to properly use the offered contents and services and not to use them to:

  • Spread criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, with terrorism apology or, in general, against the Law or public order.
  • Introduce a virus in the web or make updates that can alter, damage, suspend or create errors or damages in electronic documents, data or physical and logical systems of THE OWNER OF THE WEB or a third party; or hinder the access of other users to the website and its services.
  • Try to access restricted areas of the computer systems of THE OWNER OF THE WEB or a third party, and extract information.
  • Damage the rights of intellectual or industrial property, and also damage the confidentiality of the information of THE OWNER OF THE WEB or a third party.
  • Impersonate another user, from the public administrations or a third party.
  • Duplicate, copy, distribute or any other form of public communication, transform or modify the contents, unless they have the authorization of the holder of the relevant rights and it is legally permitted.
  • Obtain data for advertising purposes and send advertising of any kind for selling or other kind of commercial purposes without previous request or consent.

All the contents of the website, texts, pictures, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, as well as its design and source codes, constitute a work property of THE OWNER OF THE WEB, and cannot be thought as transferred to the user any of the exploitation rights of the contents over the strictly necessary for the correct use of the website.

Definitively, the users that access this website can visualize the contents and make, given the case, authorized private copies as long as those elements will not be transferred afterwards to a third party, they will not be installed in servers connecting webs either, neither will they be object of any kind of exploitation.

Also, all the brands, commercial names or any kind of distinctive icons that appear on the website are property of THE OWNER OF THE WEB, without this use or access being thought as an attribution to the user of any right over them.

It is forbidden the distribution, modification, transferring or public communication of the contents or any other action that has not been specifically authorized by the holder of the exploitation rights.


The content of this site is of general nature and for information purposes only, and no guarantee is given for access to all contents, nor of their thoroughness, correctness, validity or accuracy, nor of their suitability or utility for a specific purpose.

THE OWNER OF THE WEB declines, to the extent allowed by law, any responsibility by the damages or por for any damage or loss of any type arising from:

  • The inability or impossibility to access the website, the lack of truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, relevance and / or timeliness of the content transmitted, distributed, stored, received, obtained, or made available or accessible through the services provided by third parties through the website or the services offered on it.
  • The presence of viruses or other elements in the contents that might cause a disturbance in computer systems, electronic documents or the data of users.
  • Failure to comply with the laws, good faith, public order, uses of traffic and the present General Conditions of Use [...] as a consequence of incorrect use of the Website.

In particular, and solely by way of example and by no means exhaustive, THE OWNER OF THE WEB does not take responsibility for any actions of third parties infringing industrial and intellectual property rights, business secrets, personal honour, personal intimacy or personal image rights, in addition to legislation on unfair competition.

Furthermore, THE OWNER OF THE WEB accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for information appearing outside of this web site not directly [...] administrated by our webmaster. The exclusive function of the links that appear in this web site is to inform the user about the existence of other sources that may amplify the contents offered on this web site. THE OWNER OF THE WEB does not guarantee or accept responsibility for the operation or accessibility of linked websites, nor does it suggest, invite or recommend visiting them and will not, therefore, be responsible for results obtained by visiting these sites. THE OWNER OF THE WEB is not responsible for the creation of hyperlinks by third parties.


If any user or a third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that reveal an illicit use of any contents and/or any activity in the websites included or accessible through the website, he/she will have to send a notification to THE OWNER OF THE WEB with the proper identification, specifying the alleged infractions and specifically declaring, and under his/her responsibility, that the information provided in the notification is accurate.


The legal information provided through this Website does not substitute the legal publications of the respective laws, general regulations, plans, general provisions and acts which must be formally published in the BOE and/or other official gazettes, which are the only binding instruments with regard to the authenticity and content thereof. Nothing in this web site should be used by the reader as a source of legal advice.


This legal warning and the rest of the contents in this website are governed by Spanish law.

The language used will be Spanish/Castilian.